Saturday, June 21, 2014

I believe in an after life

I believe in an afterlife for several reasons.  For one this world is too complicated and everything can’t be based off theory and science in my opinion.    I don’t know maybe it’s that I have cognitive biases in place, which prevents me from thinking otherwise.  Although I'm glad I believe in an afterlife because it gives me the joy of thinking I'll get to spend eternity with friends and loved ones that have died.  I would hate to think that this life is all I have because it's so hard sometimes.  Furthermore some of the reasons I believe in an afterlife is because one the world is too crazy.  It revolves around the sun and there are so many things that are in place that I don’t think could have just popped out of nowhere by random.  I mean I think if the big bang theory was true and if humans evolved from monkeys the missing link of the Sasquatch would be found by now.  This might look narcissistic and some of these topics are often covered and looked at so I apologize if I offended anyone.    I know people have their own beliefs and I respect that. Just thought I would record my own thoughts in this free write. I’m going to leave it at that.

1 comment:

  1. The topic of a religion and or afterlife is always a tough thing to discuss with people in modern day America. They tend to want to avoid it all and not discuss it or argue over views. Rarely there are times when someone will have a logical discussion over it all or even try to admit some points of the other party are correct. Though it is not about admitting another is right or wrong. It is all about knowing what you have faith in and know that is what you will stand by. Standing by your faith in the absence of others is where you show your strength.
