Sunday, June 15, 2014

INFJ Typology and Writing

Going into this test I thought I would get something like this honestly.  Several of the questions dealt with how you think about people and their feelings.  I’m more of a person who cares about other people and their feelings so I seriously thought consoling would show up as a career choice and sure enough it did. I will talk a little about this in the third paragraph.
For the test I got INFJ.  The first letter says I have a moderate liking to be more introverted then extroverted.  I have always called my self somewhere in between introverted and extroverted so I would agree with this statement.  I think as a writer this might have affected me because I like to keep to myself more I suppose.  So I think it has caused me to have a more bland voice if you will in my writing with little personality.  Although I don’t really know since once I get to know people I usually open up and become a lot more extroverted. 
The N says I’m moderately more intuitive then sensing.  I would have to kind of disagree with this.  I prefer to know where formulas come from like in algebra and so forth.  I don’t like believing things with out much evidence either.  It’s tough for me to just believe things sometimes.  So I can be kind of a skeptic I think.  If I feel like there is a cognitive bias in the way I usually notice such things.  Although the definition of intuition says I’m kind of a good guesser. If you read the second to last sentence in the first paragraph there is evidence right there.  So for college I think it would be a good idea to try to remember to show a lot of evidence instead of intuition I might be using. 
The F says I moderately care more about feelings rather then thinking.  Don’t get me wrong I think I can be kind of emotional sometimes although I don’t think I’m moderately more of a feeling person.  If I’m going from this standpoint that I’m more emotional though I would say I should probably try to write more in a logical and meaningful way then based so much on my feelings.

The J says I slightly judge people more then perceive them. To improve my writing based on this I could just not try to characterize people for certain things when I don’t really know much about them.
With all that said I think this test was pretty interesting.  I think it helped me identify some things that I could work on, and apply those things.


  1. Chuck,
    These tests do seem to be quite accurate. I feel i got down almost exactly who I was.

  2. This is a good start - remember to summarize well so your audience understands what it is you are reflecting upon. Apply the understanding you gained through learning the meanings of the indicators. ~Ms. A.
